Derrike Cope Racing Announce Michigan Partners

As you most likely know by now, Jackson Coffee Company, in conjunction with Jackson Candy & Fudge Factory, Inc, has generously donated primary sponsorship of the #70 Camaro driven by Derrike Cope to the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Jackson County (BBBS). Cope will be doing a meet and greet for BBBS before the weekend events and will also be partaking in an appearance in the grandstands at MIS on race day for 500 “Littles.” TV, radio, and social media events are planned all week in an effort to gain more volunteers for BBBS. MIS has donated 500 tickets for the cause, which is the biggest donation in MIS history. The Mission of BBBS is to provide children facing adversity with strong, enduring and professionally supported relationships that help these children to have higher aspirations, greater confidence, better relationships, and avoid risky behaviors for better success at school. Jackson County BBBS supports 250 matches and has 100 youth on the waiting list, and has been serving the county for almost 50 years! All it takes is a minimum of 4 hours a month. Sign up to be a Big Brother or Big Sister today at
Also on board the #70 this weekend will be GRADY'S custom catering. Jerry and Nancy Pollard started their business in 2010 after planning their own wedding and realizing they could offer better and more affordable catering options. They now serve more than 50 weddings a year. Check them out at
E-hydrate, a nutritional product line featuring numerous products for people of any age, will also be featured on the #70 car. Summer is just beginning, and hydration is a key element not only in the racecar, but for doing any daily activity. Get the hydration, protein, and electrolytes you need today at Target, or at
Ready to go to the fastest track in NASCAR, and tackle Michigan! (Derrike Cope Racing)
