The Road To Daytona - Part I

This is the first part of The NASCAR News Source's Road To Daytona. This will ultimately culminate hopefully with the 58th Daytona 500 in Daytona Beach Florida. Hope you enjoy!

As the year comes to an end the term off season as I have learned is not vacation time just the time of the year when the cars are off the track. Numerous news articles has had to be reported and I have wrote numerous original stories for all of you to enjoy! We have also been busy with numerous behind the scene works and conversations. We are also working on some sponsorship deals for drivers in 2016 along with working on a credential request for 2016. The nervousness sits in with this and the thought of missing Speedweeks has began to creep its way onto our minds but we know if it's meant to be we will be at Daytona in February. I really understand the stress teams go through when they go into the Duels at risk of missing the Daytona 500 and I hope not to have that ever so lingering feeling of watching the Daytona 500 from home. Trust me i have done that to many years and really want to be there giving you all the news as it happens. As I enter my credential request for the Daytona 500 we can say we have the opportunity to start off our coverage with the ARCA Testing at Daytona as we have been invited by Kyle Lockrow. The Road to Daytona has many detour signs and we will take those Detours in hope that we will land in Daytona in February. Look for part 2 at the beginning of January and 2016! (Koelle, 2015)
